
Conditional Fee Agreements

January 19, 2023 By Admin

Conditional Fee Agreements (CFA) – What You Need to Know

In today`s world, legal proceedings can be extremely expensive and daunting, especially for individuals who cannot afford to hire a lawyer or pay the fees outright. This is where Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs), also known as no-win, no-fee arrangements, come in handy. This article will explain what CFAs are, how they work, and their advantages and disadvantages.

What is a Conditional Fee Agreement?

A Conditional Fee Agreement is an arrangement between a lawyer and their client, in which the lawyer agrees to provide legal services without charging a fee upfront. Instead, the lawyer agrees to take a percentage of any damages awarded if the case is successful. If a client does not win, the lawyer receives no fee, hence the name “no-win, no-fee” arrangement. However, the client may still have to pay other expenses, such as court fees and expert witness fees.

How do CFAs work?

CFAs work differently depending on the type of claim. In personal injury cases, the lawyer will typically agree to take a percentage of the compensation amount awarded if the claimant wins. This percentage is usually capped at 25% of the compensation amount. Payment is deferred until the claim is concluded, and the client may also be liable for disbursements, which are additional expenses incurred during the claim.

In commercial litigation, the percentage of the fee is often higher, which is negotiated between the client and the lawyer. Unlike personal injury cases, the client may also be required to pay the lawyer`s costs if the case is unsuccessful, which can be a significant amount.

Advantages of a Conditional Fee Agreement

The main advantage of a CFA is that it allows individuals who cannot afford to pay a lawyer`s fee upfront to pursue a claim. The lawyer takes on the risk of losing the case and receives payment only if the client wins. This also makes lawyers more motivated to win, as they only get paid if their client is successful. CFAs provide access to justice, meaning that people who would otherwise be denied access to legal representation can have their cases heard and, if successful, receive compensation.

Disadvantages of a Conditional Fee Agreement

One of the main disadvantages of a CFA is that the percentage of the damages awarded can be quite high, especially in commercial litigation. This means that the client may receive significantly less compensation than they would have if they had paid the lawyer`s fee upfront. Additionally, clients may still have to pay other expenses, such as court fees, which can be substantial.

Another disadvantage is that CFAs are not available for all types of claims. For example, they are not available for family law cases, criminal law cases, or claims against the government.


Conditional Fee Agreements can be a useful option for individuals who cannot afford to pay a lawyer`s fee upfront. They provide access to justice and allow people to pursue claims they may not otherwise be able to. However, they are not available for all types of claims and can be quite expensive, with the percentage of the damages awarded often being high. Before entering into a CFA, it is essential to understand the terms and conditions and to discuss the pros and cons with your lawyer.