
Catholic Education Sa Enterprise Agreement 2017

May 17, 2023 By Admin

Catholic Education SA Enterprise Agreement 2017: All You Need to Know

Catholic Education SA Enterprise Agreement 2017 is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers and support staff working in Catholic schools in South Australia. This agreement was negotiated and agreed upon by Catholic Education SA and the Independent Education Union (IEU) in 2017, and it came into effect on 1st July 2017.

This agreement was put in place to provide a more comprehensive and standardized framework for employment conditions. The agreement covers all aspects of employment, including salaries, leave entitlements, working hours, and professional development.


Under the Catholic Education SA Enterprise Agreement 2017, salaries are based on a classification system. There are currently ten classifications, ranging from the most junior classroom support staff to the most senior teachers. The agreement also provides for an annual salary increase for all employees.

Leave Entitlements

The agreement provides for a range of leave entitlements for employees in Catholic schools. These include annual leave, sick leave, parental leave, and long service leave. It also includes provisions for compassionate leave and bereavement leave.

Working Hours

The agreement sets out the standard working hours for teachers and support staff in Catholic schools. Working hours are generally between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm on weekdays. However, there may be some variation depending on the school`s needs.

Professional Development

The agreement recognizes the importance of ongoing professional development for teachers and support staff. It provides for a range of professional development opportunities, including training days, seminars, and courses.


In summary, the Catholic Education SA Enterprise Agreement 2017 is an important document for anyone working in a Catholic school in South Australia. It provides a comprehensive and standardized framework for employment conditions, ensuring that employees are treated fairly and equitably. As a result, the agreement has played a significant role in improving the working conditions for teachers and support staff in Catholic schools.